Register for SYC 2025!

Don’t forget to check out our SYC Facebook / Instagram for the most up-to-date info

How does registration work?

Just like onions, camp regos have layers! So how do we do this?


  1. First! Your Youth Pastor/Coordinator needs to register your youth group!
  2. We’ll set up your youth group in our registration system. YOU NEED TO WAIT FOR THIS!
  3. We’ll send confirmation that your youth is set up (with a link when tickets are on sale)
  4. Share the link youth your youth!

Register my Youth Group

We know rego instructions are tedious and boring, but PLEASE take 2 mins to read the instructions to ensure your youth register for SYC25 correctly. Thanks!

  1. The Youth Pastor/Coordinator needs to register your youth group!
    You get to choose whether your youth group pays ONLINE or we INVOICE THE CHURCH
    You are required to pick only one option for your whole youth.
  2. We’ll set up your youth group in our registration system. YOU NEED TO WAIT FOR THIS!
  3. We’ll send confirmation that your youth is set up
  4. Share the link youth your youth!


Make sure your Youth Group is registered (see above) to find out when tickets go on sale.

Can I Volunteer at SYC?

We have a fantastic team of volunteers dedicated to making SYC the best camp ever!

We are always keen to grow our volunteer team, and our volunteers serve in many areas including:

  • food serving,
  • security,
  • first aid,
  • production,
  • prayer,
  • activities,
  • or even in our camp café!

You might not be able to join our on the ground SYC team but you might like to commit time to join the prayer team from home, or you might be handy on the tools and would like to join our building team.

If you’d love to volunteer at SYC, there are some things we’d like to know! These range from what your passions are or  what areas you would like to volunteer in to  what ministry experience do you have, and are you able to fulfill our Safe Ministry requirements.

So, if you have questions and would like to talk to someone from our SYC team, send an email to and we’ll be in touch!

If you’re ready to get involved, the first step is filling out our Safe Ministry Questionaire. You can do that by clicking the button below 🙂